Science and Law - What is and what ought to be
Prof. Martin Beyeler of the Institute for Swiss and International Construction Law (UNIFR) will launch the first Smart Living Lab's Round Table, an open discussion with a scientific input, under the title "Science and Law - What is and what ought to be" on 6 October from 11:00 to 12:00 at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg.
As a starting point for a discussion on the role of science, law and politics in society, the aim is to take the court case of the twelve climate activists who staged a tennis match on Credit Suisse premises in protest over the bank's fossil fuel investments in January 2020 in Renens.
A free lunch will be served after the round table to the Smart Living Lab community.
Round Table | Science and Law Halle bleue (HBL0 21A), bluefactory | 11:00-12:00

Martin Beyeler
-dispute resolution
-public procurement law
Climate activists behind Credit Suisse tennis stunt acquitted (Swissinfo, 13.1.2020)

David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish philosopher, painted by Allan Ramsay