TESTEO inauguration
Inauguration of TESTEO, "Laboratorio de Construccion Sostenible " in Bucaramanga (Colombia)
The knowledge transfer workshop organised by the Building2050 group (BUILD) in October 2019 in Bucaramanga (Colombia) with the aim of sharing the Smart Living Lab's expertise in terms of sustainable built environment comes to the end.
Courses and lectures given on site by three experts from three units of the Smart Living Lab, Dr. Didier Vuarnoz (HEIA-FR (ENERGY Institute), Jonathan Parrat (HEIA-FR TRANSFORM Institute) and Justine Roman (EPFL Building2050 Group), enriched the reflections around the design of a full-scale prototype, which today supports the name of TESTEO " Laboratorio de Construccion Sostenible ".
TESTEO is a real "living lab", located in the Guatiguará Technological Park of the Industrial University of Santander (UIS), will allow any type of test in real conditions strengthening the links between the academic/research world and the industrial fabric with the aim of changing regulations to face the climate challenges.
Designed and built by companies from the Santander Construction Cluster coordinated by the Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce (as part of the Circular Economy and Sustainable Construction - EC2S project) with the support of Colombia+Competitiva, a programme of the Swiss Embassy in Colombia - Economic Cooperation and Development (SECO).
Official opening :
Friday 29 January 2021 at 4.30 pm (Bucaramanga time), 10.30 pm (Swiss time)
To follow the event:
Facebook Live@CCBucaramanga
More information:
• https://clustersantander.com/convocatorias-y-eventos/eventos/inauguracion-testeo-laboratorio-de-construccion-sostenible-/
• https://clustersantander.com/noticias-y-novedades/noticias-generales/inicio-de-obra-testeo-laboratorio-de-construccion-sostenible-/
The Building2050 Group, coordinated by Dr. Sergi Aguacil at the Smart Living Lab, has organized a knowledge transfer workshop in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in October 2019 to share its expertise in terms of sustainable built environment.
Within the framework of the program Colombia+Competitiva (Circular Economy and Sustainable Construction - EC2S) of the Swiss Embassy in Colombia - Economic Cooperation and Development (SECO) executed by Swisscontact (Swiss Expert Network) and innPulsa, experts from three units of the Smart Living Lab participated in a knowledge transfer workshop in Bucaramanga (Colombia) in October.
Dr. Didier Vuarnoz (HEIA-FR ENERGY Institute), Jonathan Parrat (HEIA-FR TRANSFORM Institute) and Justine Roman (EPFL Building2050 Group) - collaborated together to share the Smart Living Lab's experience in relation to:
1) Architectural design and integration of bioclimatic concepts
2) Life cycle analysis in the initial design phase
3) Monitoring, energy optimisation and carbon-based strategies
4) Water and waste management in buildings
This workshop will allow the Colombian team to obtain a series of inputs to continue with the design of a full-size experimental prototype of a sustainable single-family home. In addition, the ambition is to analyse and explore this single-family house prototype and extrapolate the lessons learned from it to make recommendations for multi-family buildings.
The International Finance Corp (World Bank Group) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), have organized a joined conference entitled “Sustainable construction and energy efficiency in Colombian cities” at the Javeriana University in Bogota on 29 October 2019.
Invited to this event, Didier Vuarnoz (HEIA-FR ENERGY Institute) has explained the causes of the success of the Smart Living Lab, an inter-institutional collaboration that has led to a research center dedicated to the sustainable development of the built environment, in front of a large audience ranging from representatives of a Colombian University, members of the Swiss and Colombian governments and majors actors of the construction sector in the Bogota region.

Sergi Aguacil Moreno
-sustainable architectural technology
-design and construction processes

didier vuarnoz

Jonathan Parrat
-sociological and economical approaches
-design and construction processes