Join our next Smart Living Lunch online on 21 April 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00. Sailin Zhong (Human-IST, UNIFR) will present two case studies about indoor air quality forecasting in office spaces and how to support the users in taking preventive actions when a harmful level of CO2 is predicted. Zoom link upon registration.
Repeated exposure to poor air quality in indoor environments such as office, home, and classroom can have substantial adverse effects on our health and productivity. The problem is especially recognized in closed indoor spaces shared by several people.
In this presentation, we would like to present two case studies about the interaction techniques for informing and supporting the users in taking preventive actions when a harmful level of CO2 is predicted. The first case study evaluated three prototypes on a wearable device (Apple Watch) for communicating Risk, Temporal Proximity, and Certainty of indoor air quality in a shared office and the second case study elicited the evolution of CO2 level in office-meeting during 1007 meeting sessions. Find the video preview of the two studies under "Information".

SMART LIVING LUNCH | The Complexity of Indoor Air Quality Forecasting and the Simplicity of Interacting with It Online | 11:00-12:00

Sailin ZHONG
-well-being and behaviors
-human-building interaction