Three new professors and their research groups joined the Smart Living Lab at bluefactory Fribourg this Summer! Know more about their research activities? Meet Prof. EPFL Andrew Sonta, Head of ETHOS Lab, Prof. UNIFR Bernard Ries, Head of Decision Support & Operations Research Group, and Prof. UNIFR Hans-Georg Fill, Head of Digitalization and Information Systems Group, on Wednesday, 28.9.2022, from 11:00 to 12:00, at the blue Hall of bluefactory (room HBL0 21A), followed by a shared lunch. Be on site or watch the streaming on Zoom (direct link on demand).
[11:00-11:15] Andrew Sonta is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the EPFL School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). He leads the new Civil Engineering and Technology for Human Oriented Sustainability Lab (ETHOS Lab).
His research focuses on data-driven modelling, analysis and design techniques for the enhancement of social and environmental objectives in the built environment. He aims to address urban sustainability challenges through a multidisciplinary lens. Andrew Sonta also studies the physical connections between energy consumption and the efficient operation of buildings. In addition to developing a new research programme, he will contribute to new clusters involving the School, the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg and the recently founded Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT).
[11:15-11:30] Bernard Ries is a Professor at the University of Fribourg, where he is heading the Decision Support & Operations Research Group together with Marino Widmer in the Department of Informatics. He received his PhD in mathematics from EPFL in 2007. From 2008 to 2009, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University (US) in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. In 2009-2010, he was appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick (UK) in the Center for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) and the Warwick Business School (WBS). From September 2010 to July 2015, I was an Associate Professor at the Université Paris Dauphine (F) in the Computer Science and Mathematics Department.
His main research interests are Structural and algorithmic graph theory, Combinatorial optimization, Computational complexity and Mathematical Modeling.
[11:30-11:45] Hans-Georg Fill is a full Professor at the University of Fribourg and head of the Digitalization and Information Systems Group. Prior to his engagement at the University of Fribourg he held positions at the University of Bamberg, Germany (2017-2018) and the University of Vienna, Austria (2015-2016). In addition, he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University, USA (2008, 2010-2011), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines at Saint-Etienne, France (2015) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany (2012). He holds a PhD and a habilitation in business informatics from the University of Vienna.
The main research field of Hans-Georg Fill is conceptual modeling for enterprise information systems. In particular he works in the area of meta modeling, i.e. the conceptualisation and technical realization of modeling methods. His current research interests are semantic information systems, blockchains and smart contracts, the application of virtual and augmented reality in enterprise modeling as well as the deviceless interaction with enterprise information systems.
[11:45-12:00] Questions and answers session
[12:00-13:00] Lunch. Register on doodle for lunch.
SMART LIVING LUNCH | New EPFL and UNIFR Professors at the Smart Living Lab Bluefactory, Fribourg | Halle bleue, Room HBL0 21A | 11:00-12:00